FAQ & Tutorials for Simple Gym Notes


What Exercises and Metrics Can I Track?

You can track everything and anything that you can write down. Track any exercise. Track RIR, RPE, Dropsets, Clustersets, Supersets, Myoreps. Anything!

Can I Copy Workouts?

Yes. Go to the workout overview, swipe to the left and press duplicate.

Can I Use More Than One Notebook?

Absolutely. With the premium option you can use as many notebooks as you want.

Is there a Lifetime Premium Option?

Yes. You can choose a subscription model or buy Simple Gym Notes Premium for lifetime. It’s way more cost effective than buying a new notebook every time.

What Is the Best Way to Use Simple Gym Notes?

Check out our Instagram page for tips and tutorials. @simplegymnotes

Or check out our tutorials below on this page.

Who is the app for?

We created Simple Gym Notes with the user of a manual notebook in mind. That way our app is very versatile, while still being simple to use.

It’s optimized for bodybuilding, powerlifting, weightlifting and general fitness.

You can probably also use it for other sports like swimming, gymnastics or climbing. That’s because of how versatile the app is.


How To Track RIR

Your RIR or RPE can be an important metric to track when you train for powerlifting or bodybuilding.

How To Track Supersets

Learn how to track supersets or giant-sets with the Simple Gym Notes app.

How To Track Dropsets

Learn how to track dropsets with the Simple Gym Notes app. You can track single or multiple drops.

How To Create Workout Templates

Learn how to create a training plan or workout templates to use them quickly. Plan your workouts in advance and use the template whenever you train to save time and effort.

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More tutorials will be coming…

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