Frozen Faces Apps

Simple. Effective.

Frozen Faces Apps is an app development team founded during a cold winter at -9°C. Our mission is to create apps we ourselves would love to use but that don’t exist yet. Our apps are kept simple, useful and lighthearted (you may find an Easter Egg here and there).

Our Apps

Simple Macro Calculator

Get personalized macronutrient recommendations for bodybuilding, powerlifting, fitness and strength sport.

Now available!

Simple Gym Notes

Simple Gym Notes is the swiss army knife of workout trackers – super simple yet very versatile!
It lets you track your workouts just like you would in a paper notebook – but right on your phone!

Now available!

Simple RIR

“Simple RIR” is the most recent app we’re working on. The goal is to predict the reps in reserve (RIR) during a weight training exercise in real-time.

The app is still in the early stages of development.


The Revoir app gives you a second chance to talk to someone you met in real life.

No longer available.

The Team

Konstantin - Developer

Konstantin is the man who develops our apps.

His tasks include programming the app, implementing new features and overcoming all technical hurdles.

Florian - Designer

Florian is responsible for the UI and UX design of the apps. This involves creating graphics and most importantly making sure the apps are actually useful.

To make sure our new apps deliver what they promise he studies Sport Science.